Unusual troops Battle Tactics Discussed

War is one of the most piquant of all human endeavors. Often we are told at our Online Think Tank that we should not be discussing war technologies, tactics or philosophy. Indeed, I could not disagree more. In fact I believe if more habitancy did then there would be fewer wars. One piquant branch is the many unusual military battle tactics that have been encountered in the last 5-decades of human warfare.

In Vietnam often the astonishing force would encounter hundreds of habitancy lying on the ground and firing right up as the aircraft flew over on their bombing runs shooting nothing more than small arms (guns). Did this work? Not often, but it goes to show you to what lengths armies will go to defend their infrastructure, equipment or nation.

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The defending army will often set up decoys and employ deception tactics also, much like the astonishing force. In fact they might set up a used pick-up truck with junk in the back under a not so excellent camouflage cover, knowing the astonishing force will think it a target and as the astonishing force comes in, they are picked up in a trap.

As great as these types of decoy strategies might have worked in past periods, one must understand that the sophisticated military hardware of today allows an eagle eye view of the situation and such a tactic could back fire completely.

Of policy all too often an army will underestimate their competitor and thus pay the greatest price. The mission of the astonishing force is to eliminate the enemy's defense systems, crush their communication infrastructure and then hit the main objective targets.

In a full-scale war there will be many targets and thus it might take 72 hours to hit them all, most likely not, but it is possible that the major fighting in a contemporary war could last that long. Total War or faultless annihilation of all life and faultless surrender can take much longer as the human slaughter rages on. It is a gruesome spectacle, but is a fact of human history.

Unusual troops Battle Tactics Discussed


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